Monday, September 28, 2015

THE UNABLE. #LookingUp

I'm writing raw today.  I'm writing a bit mad.
I'm writing again about Planned Parenthood...can you please listen just one more time.

People everywhere were shocked and their jaws fell to the floor, those who actually watched and listened to the videos were wondering, what is going on!?  70% of the American public still haven't taken the time to watch.  For whatever reason they give; and I've heard plenty reasons.  They still don't know.  They still don't care to bother to get involved.



The current headlines this past week put a new fire under the aggravation with the de-funding of this massive slaughterhouse.

Many still roll their eyes when PP is called what it is.
We have became hardened.  Desensitized.  Its undeniable.

Why would we not demand PP to be shut down?
1. It provides medical care to so many facets of women's health....LIE
2. There is no evidence that they are indeed killing babies, just potential babies....LIE
3. The videos are falsified and fake...LIE
4.  It's the only option for low income families to gain medical assistance....LIE

All reasons have been the internet, make a phone call, ask a friend.  Everyone knows!

How about this analogy:  Planned Parenthood has a relationship with someone in Government. There is something going on bigger then what we see.

2 Recent articles have been published magnifying and outlining the stance our nation has on the abortion issue.  The first article uses money to explain away the reason an individual would vote out a bill to put PP dollars on hold for one year while they complete an investigation.  It's just a fairy-tale bill anyway, seeing how President Obama will fund them regardless, as he just recently did.  Babies vs. Money, must be such a hard choice.

In the second article  shows the actual flaming arrow.  We have a President who is threatening to not pay his governmental staff if PP is put on hold for 12 months.  He tags the words Government shutdown to cause a sense of panic.  What is he gaining by PP being in business?  Is it a personal gain or a long term big picture gain?  Whats the agenda?  Everyone is confused by his actions on many issues.   There certainly couldn't be something else going on! (Picture below shows Obama & friend, Cecile Richards, President of PP)

 The problem is liberals listen to liberal news, conservatives listen to conservative news.  If you think for one moment that the media is a truth god, you are highly mistaken.  If you want to see what isn't being reported I would educate yourself on both sides.  I guarantee you will find yourself shocked.  Journalism is not as it once was.


Let's chat about 2 women who was able to change history forever by their dedication and outspoken voices.

Her name is Norma McCorvey.  Many know her as "Jane Roe," as her name was protected during the court proceedings in Roe vs. Wade.  Here she is today, I stumbled across this video and was surprised to watch her talk about what happened in her life.  Jane Roe/Norma McCorvey video

Norma admits she never wanted an abortion.  She's never had an abortion.  She is also a current pro-life activist.  “Back in 1973, I was a very confused twenty-one year old with one child and facing an unplanned pregnancy,” she says in the ad. “At the time I fought to obtain a legal abortion, but truth be told, I have three daughters and never had an abortion.”

To learn more about why she was a prime candidate for attorneys Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee's agenda read this article. Why use Norma?  "At various times, Norma McCorvey has clarified that she did not consider herself a participant in the Roe v. Wade lawsuit. However, she felt that feminist activists treated her with disdain because she was a poor, blue-collar, drug-abusing woman instead of a polished, educated feminist."

The second women who profoundly changed the world is Margaret Sanger.

Margaret was born in 1883 and later was an American birth control activist, sex educator, writer, and nurse. Sanger popularized the term "birth control", opened the first birth control clinic in the United States, and established organizations that evolved into the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Black women in this country please perk your ears.  She was a devout racist.  I understand racism comes in many forms, and it has never been completely exterminated as it most unfortunately never will.  I however, despise it and won't tolerate it near my household!  Nothing fires me up more!  My daughter, sons, and grandchildren are black.  I am a proud Caucasian mother who will not buy into the onset of racist entitlement or racist targeting.  Margaret Sanger did just this.  There was an entitlement that she felt was for people born with white skin and a target on those born without.

If you are a black women who leans towards supporting services of PP, you are essentially joining efforts with a women who said this, "“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

She accounted in her Autobiography details of her invitation to speak to women of the KKK and how she felt accomplished when she left that her point was made there and they accepted it.

She wasn't just against black people, but all people who wasn't of a certain "stock."  She despised Christians in general.  Any child born outside of her perfect "stock" was considered, "a dead weight of human waste."

What else did she say, in her own words... Margaret says this:  Sanger quotes

While we are at it, lets just briefly mention another women in today's history that is changing the world.  Hillary Clinton, she also has her opinion on Sanger when she stated, "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision,” said Hillary Clinton, “I am really in awe of her, there are a lot of lessons we can learn from her life."  Clinton accepts PP Sanger Award. 
Another nice lady to receive the Sanger Award is Nancy Pelosi.



Life Magazine posted a front page article in April 1965.  I just happened to come across the issue last week and bought the copy.  It spotlighted a Photojournalist names Lennart Nilsson.  It brought him great popularity & fame as he was the first to ever photograph inside a mother's womb.  The photos are stunning.  I have studied the life of a baby from the early stages of cell formation and on due to my own traveling road of infertility and pregnancy loss.  From every article, picture, book, and web site I have intensely read, I have never seen pictures so vividly pronounced in detail of the human form.

They are exceptional.

This is one of my favorites, mainly because this is at 11 wks.  Pregnancy is measured from the beginning of day 1 of your period (cycle)  In just a few short weeks passed a missed cycle this is what is happening inside you if you have conceived.  Most abortions happen after this time frame.  There is a lot going on in this picture, that child is presumably in the safest place on the planet until a mother gives permission to drag it out.

If by chance a mother decides to keep her womb a safe place for her baby, in just 4-5 weeks the baby looks like this.

There are 7.4 million women alone in the United States with documented infertility just THIS year.  They would do anything to have a child.

Here are more breathless pictures from Mr. Nilsson 

Life Magazine later turned into Time Magazine.  Once they celebrated the clever design of human life, now they shower Cecile Richards (President of PP) by praising her.  They state, "As we look to inspire the next generation of women to join this fight, we're fortunate to have Cecile as our mentor. There is no better advocate."  She was names one of America's most influential women of 2012.

See the article here.  Time loves Cecile Richards

In 47 years something changed.  Mass murder is now a fad and creation of human life is mocked. 


I contacted my local representative Greg Beumer last month.  I've been sitting on our conversation since then wondering what to do with it.

Here is a summary of our conversation.

Me:  I explain who I am, why I am passionate about stopping abortion, and what I would like to get on board and run beside Ohio as they are trying to gain awareness to their efforts to pass the Heartbeat Bill in their state.

Him:  He tells me his stance on this issue He says, "I am appalled about what recently has taken place with Planned Parenthood..."  He says, "I am a supporter at any attempt.." as he was referring to stopping the killing of the unborn.  He also threw in the statement, "even though they didn't find any sales of fetal tissue in the state of Indiana."

(He didn't mention what kind of investigation they did in the state...I heard it went something like this.  "Hey, did you guys sell baby parts?  No?  OK!  Thanks!)  A few phone calls over a few days makes for a sorry effort to find out what's really going on.
He says, "Here's the problem, it will not come up in the next session...I'm newer...I'm not sure how our county stands on this issue...They will only tackle a few issues in session...not sure if it would come out of committee."
 "They will be following up on the LGBT so most likely won't go down other social issues."

 "I am a defender of the unborn."

It all sounded great as I am new to the political arena and didn't know any better.

Then he continues to say..."I agree I think we should make legislators aware that our neighboring state (Ohio's Heartbeat Bill) is boldly going forth...but I don't think I'm the person for the job.  I think you should contact Tom Dermody, he may be willing to help you and HE IS NOT UP FOR RE-ELECTION.  HE HAS ALREADY STATED THAT HE WILL NOT BE RUNNING!  YOU SHOULD CALL HIM"

And there you have it folks...

I don't claim to be a highly intelligent person but it wasn't hard to see the bottom line.  He essentially said, I believe in rescuing children from murder but there is no way I will put my job on the line to do that.  Ask someone else, while I sit here on my hands and work on my popularity.  Make sure you vote for me.

Would the Heartbeat bill be heard or passed?  Here is my take on creating bills that most likely wont pass...try anyway!  People will hear about it regardless.  People will see the effort, passion, and endurance.  The nation will begin to hear that someone cares, someone is willing to sacrifice their time to use their talents on something other then themselves.  The weakest statements are those that proclaim to not try because it probably won't go anywhere anyway.

He was right about one thing, Ohio is boldly going forth, by showing us how to fight in the trenches.  I applaud you Janet Porter!!  About Janet and Faith 2 Action. 

 The constant character of legislators seem to prize their campaigns ahead of the future of this country, which has already been radically thinned out by abortion


I worked as a manager of a local Co-op offering grass-fed, organic, gmo free products to the public.  Almost as a whole, our nation's stomach turns when we see pictures of large cattle/swine/poultry operations.  Seeing pictures of overpopulated feed lots, thousands of caged animals, and infested unsanitary environments cause people to get upset.  

Domesticated animals are a even bigger tug at the human heart.  Many times I see announcements of equine abuse, animals starving for no reason at all.  The community is quick to react.  They band together and in a matter of moments the person responsible is facing charges, the animals are treated medically, and dispersed among approved homes.  Once people hear of the travesty, they jump, move, react, respond, and demand it to be fixed.

One of the worst things my eyes have ever seen was a video I came on FB.  It was of a young women who had a bag of puppies.  Her boyfriend taped her as she picked up each one and while laughing and making jokes, she held each one up the camera, said something vile, and threw them one by one into the rushing river flowing beside her.  It was a game to her.  A joke.  No regard for life.  Just a sick twisted girl who took her sick twisted-ness out on something else. 

There was a response from FB viewers, they plastered her video everywhere.  I saw it come through my news feed many times.  It was shared hundreds of times in hopes that they would catch this girl and prosecute her for her crime.  Comment after comment stated how she should be thrown into the river herself, jailed for life, or punished beyond words.  

I agree that things like this are outrageous and should be dealt with.  How much more valuable is human life?

Why are people not fussing?  Why are they not getting mad?  Why such a small group of people that care?  What better thing do you have to do then stand up for the innocent?  What is wrong with us??
These are our kids!

Every child that is murdered is a grand baby, a cousin, a sibling, a son or daughter.
Grandmothers, how can  you sit by and let them kill your babies!!??
Aunts & Uncles, how can you let them rip apart your nieces and nephews!!??

When you have an abortion, you are killing your own genealogy...and PP doesn't care about that.

55 million people have disappeared from this earth and people don't care!


Does anyone care what God says anyway?

If you believe in Him, you know how He feels about this.

I don't really need to list scripture passages to spell it out?
We all know it's wrong and sitting by while others do it, is just as wrong.

We don't want to get into someone else's business...

I wouldn't ever stand by and watch someone murder anyone.  I know you wouldn't either.

How is this any different, unless we are believing the same lies..."it's not a real baby,"  "It's the mothers body," or "it's the women's right."

Your either for God or you are against Him.
Better make a wise choice.

I can't imagine the Proverbs 31 women sitting by doing nothing!


Fascist feminism for the rights of the women has it's name all over this.

We have let radical women stand up and scream Women's Rights for years!  They don't care about my right...they care about their own.  There is no right for the daughter in the womb being proclaimed by them. 
Women are smart enough to know that we have a power when we join together.  The entire lifetime of the world has been changed for good or bad by women banding together with similar ideas, values, and passion.  I am tired of watching women throw their self worth away, handing it over to political junkies who create appetizing bills that look delicious on the outside but with a hidden agenda.  The people behind these things do not care about you, your family, or your future.

We need to have a voice, not a sing-song voice, but a strong precise undertone that is loud & contagious.  One that defends people,one that defends black women, white women, all women, all children, defends all life.  Open your eyes and see what they are hiding, it is not OK to kill!  They can present it anyway they want but it's never OK.

We have been lied to!  And it wont be tolerated anymore!  

We do not hold the ignorance that they are counting on us to have.  We are intelligent, compassionate, passionate, purposeful women who are alive at this time in history for a reason.  We are warriors, soldiers, and patriots.  We stand for what we believe in!  We wont let any man or women convince us otherwise.  We can make a difference as many women before us have. 

Women...hear me again you've been lied to.  They are liars!  Abortion has never been OK.  If you are a mother who is heading to terminate your baby, you have to know...we will give that baby a voice.  Even if you don't want us to, we will speak on the behalf of your child with or without you! 

Humans should be equal.  All humans...regardless of age or residence.  No one has the right to dictate whose life is worthy and whose isn't, and by being silent that is essentially what you are doing.  You are saying it's OK to terminate children.  The ones who are quiet are guilty!



As my own personal disclaimer I want to say, I love God & the human race He created.

I also love women who have had abortions & I love the children they allowed to be killed.  I love people of all stature, mentality, race, sexuality, and gender.  I love the disabled, the elderly, and the afflicted.  I will stand up for all of you.  I will feed you, love you, help you, hang with you, and share my life with you.

To Christian women,  I pray for boldness & conviction.  This is Kingdom work and it is not suitable to sit by and not do something.  Pray for the power of God to intercede.

It does look impossible but with HIM it isn't.
The world will turn bleak but when He looks upon His people, I for one am not going to be sitting on my hands doing nothing.


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