Ezekiel 3:18 says this...
"When I (God) say to a wicked man, 'You will surely die," and you (meaning you) do not warn him or speak out to dissuade him from his evil ways in order to save his life....
That wicked man will die for his sin, and I will hold you accountable for his blood.
But, if you do warn the wicked man and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his evil ways, he will die for his sin; but you will have saved your life."
Ok, let me get this straight...I am to be in someone else's business or I will be held accountable for their crappy decisions?!?
Yes! That's JUST what it says.
I read the book of Ezekiel and it left me thinking many things. This is one that had me looking into my own life and analyzing pretty hard.
If I see someone doing wrong and say nothing, then I am guilty.
I camped here for a bit.
Instantly a flooding list of things ran through my mind, things that I witness and turn away as if I don't see. I hear and see things everyday that could not hold upright in the presence of God, yet I am calloused and hardened to everything around me, just like most people I know.
This cannot be ok.
This is not ok with God.
Ezekiel also says in vs. 20-21 that if you do intervene and talk to this person, and they decide to turn away from their sin, you both will be saved. How beautiful is that!
Most of us have grown up in a era of Me.
Me matters most.
Me need food.
Me need drink.
Me want things.
Me have fun.
Me get mad if you get in my way.
And so we turn our faces the other way when another Me comes along as to not offend them or not get in their business.
That is not what God advises though. He persuades us to keep an eye on each other, to tell each other the truth even when it's uncomfortable, and to put ourselves in between someone and sin..in the hopes that they will chose something better.
In hopes it will spare their life.
Most of this country is under the influence of something addictive. If you personally are not addicted to something; you know someone who is. Everyone knows someone.
You may be addicted to your phone
addicted to the TV.
addicted to achievement.
addicted to work.
addicted to food.
addicted to attention.
addicted to internet.
addicted to drugs.
addicted to alcohol.
addicted to self.
and the list goes on and on...
We don't want anyone to get in our way when it comes to our time and the things we do with our time...especially our addiction's.
Addiction's will however cause us to take our eyes off of God and keep them on ME.
Real followers of Jesus will get in your way. They will put their lives, reputation, and friendships on the life to stand in between you and yourself.
Even if it means great loss. The attempt is worth the risk.
It won't take long to wrack your brain of who's business you can get involved in.
Think about it as an act of love, for your own sake and the sake of your friend.
Don't hesitate when that person comes to mind, it likely is a matter of life and death.
BELIEVE God's Word! It has no error and holds no lies..be a hearer and a doer!
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