
Amy Schlichter is the Executive Director of Hoosiers for Life, a single issue advocacy non-profit in Indiana that advocates for the total abortion ban dubbed, "Protection at Conception."  Hoosiers for Life designed and promotes this strong bill making it illegal to kill innocent children through abortion.  She has mobilized a strong anti-abortion community in the state that stands alongside the bill and insists on a hearing and vote from the Indiana legislature.  Her primary goal is to end abortion and to reinstate the value of human life through laws in Indiana while affecting the culture as a immediate result.  She advocates for adoption and motherhood, demanding that Indiana protect the children that live here.

She is a wife of 19 years and mother to 5 living children, and 14 heavenly babies. She has challenged women to have a "voice" during the difficulties of achieving pregnancy.  She also writes and speaks on parenthood, raising special needs kids, growing deeper with God, gaining faith in times of heartache, and willingly shares her testimony of salvation and triumph with others.
Through suffering she has been privileged to connect with women who have experiences in adoption, infertility & diagnoses, pregnancy loss, secondary infertility, and spiritual reliance during adversity.  She writes in her blog,
speaking out to families that have acquired struggles and challenges them to connect with others.  She also writes & teaches about being a women of God and raising kids to have foundational truth in Jesus Christ.

Her passion is to allow hurting families to have a voice, to openly grieve children of loss regardless of their age, and to demonstrate that the power of God's love can comfort all forms of suffering, bringing freedom and joy into the darkest of places.  Her goal is to inspire women to testify what God has done in their lives, passing on the message that God really loves you, God really hears you, and God never lies. 
Her personal hobbies are reading, writing, speaking, & spending time with her family.
When asked about the past journey of her family she states, "I knew that I was to be the mother of many, so I pursued seeking my children in whatever way the Lord led me.  

Her message encourages women to never give up on what God has promised you, trust Him in all things, and be thankful always...especially when things get tough.  She says, "That's when God really shows off His muscles and rescues you, just like the gentleman He is."

1 comment:

  1. I popped over from your post to learn a bit more about my SS sister. You have had quite the journey...we've lost one baby and I can't imagine the pain you've experienced. Have you heard of Mommies with Hope...it's a ministry another SS friend started, she actually spoke at our women's retreat last year. Teske Drake is her name, I'm sure the two of you could relate to one another. Blessings to you!
