This weeks post is very busy. Not only is it a portion of the Baby Wise Friendly Network and their contributions on parenting; but it also is my first Looking Up Link-Up post.
If you are a parent who enjoys taking your family on outings, I hope you will find something useful in this post that will help with packing & planning. If you are here from another blog please don't leave without scrolling to the end of this post and adding a link to your own blog. This will create more exposure for you and a fun network of learning & sharing what each of us has to offer.
Here is today's post about summer fun & master lists; how organizing your pre-packing will make any day trip or overnight stay just a bit more comfortable.
This week we went on a summer outing that we all were very much looking forward to.
Once a year they have a big air show a few hours from us and since we all love the excitement of aviation; we could hardly wait to get there!
Unfortunately the day didn't go near as we had envisioned.
5 hours of pouring rain, no outside shelter, everything soaked, the show was delayed for 3 hours as we wilted. The kids were crying, I was crying...on the inside. Needless to say, it was a disaster. All I kept thinking, as we were sitting in the middle of the downpour holding our umbrellas statistically to form a canopy as a shelter, was that I really needed to make a master packing list for trips such as these.
Years ago, I created a Master Grocery List; it included anything and everything that I could possibly use in my home. It covered Lima beans to light bulbs and everything in between. It has a suggested number of those items I would need in order to be "stocked up" and as I got ready to go to the store I would print off my Master List, look at each item and determine how many I needed based on my "stocked" ideal number.
Many things, such as fresh fruit, I knew that I would need regularly; other things such as canned tomatoes, I would place a small number next to it, telling me how many I needed in order to replace what I had used. It became a convenient way to shop and make sure that I didn't miss a thing. As I'm dripping from the storm lagging on overhead, with 2 boys sitting in dirty diapers and no dry place to change them, my daughter "starving" for something to eat (which was impossible due to the ATM crashing and now out of order) and water up to our ankles...I day-dreamed of my Master Packing List and what I could have possibly packed in order to make this experience more comfortable.
What if I made a list that was similar to the grocery list and on it was items for day trips along with over-nighters? Whenever we decided to go anywhere, for any length of time, I could simply print it off and circle all the items I would need according to where we were going, length of stay, activities, & weather. Then I would at least be as prepared as I could be.
I went home and compiled a list of what I thought may be helpful to us...
Here is the list I came up with; if you find it helpful please copy & paste it to a Word document and use at home for your family :)
Now it's time for our 1st of many Looking Up Link-Up
Ice Packs/Loose Ice
Thermal Carrier
Coffee Travel Mugs
Water Bottles
Baby Bottle/Sippy Cup
Snack Foods (Carrots, Apples, Granola, Chips)
Case of Water
Double Stroller/Single Stroller
Light Blanket to cover stroller if needed
Car Seat Cover
Diapers & Wipes
Blanket & Pillow
Playpen & Sheet
Make-Up Bag
Hair Products
Hair Brush/Comb/Hair Dryer/Straightener
Nail Clippers & Tweezers
Rubber Bands/Head Bands/Bobby Pins/Barrettes
Shaving Cream/Razor
Facial Cleanser/Moisturizer/Oils
Laundry Soap/Fabric Softener
Feminine Products
Play Clothes
Church Clothes
Extra Outfits
T-Shirts/Tanks/Long Sleeve
Casual Sweater
Sandals/Flip Flops
Notebook & Pens/Pencils
Art pack for kids (crayons, colored pencils, etc.)
Facial Tissue
Ziploc bags
Wal-Mart Sacks for wet clothes, trash, dirties…etc.
Lip Balm
Insect Repellent or alternative (Tea Tree Oil)
Glasses/Sun Glasses
Shower Shoes
Flashlight/Lighter or Matches
Toilet Paper
Travel Games/Movies
Camera/Video Camera
Ear Plugs
Hand Sanitizer
Sports Gear
Reading Material
1st Aid Kit
Handheld Vacuum & Charger for vehicle
Nursing Cover
Sunscreen or alternative
$1 Poncho from Walmart
Fold Up Chairs
Blow-Up Mattress
Camping Supplies
Little Swimmers
Laptop & Charger
Phone & Charger
Wallet/Driver’s License
Wallet/Driver’s License
Medical Info/Emergency Numbers
Business Cards
I hope this is at
least a good start of something you can use at home. I'm sure you may
want to tweak it and add or move categories. I am certain that it will
be a great resource to me the next time we venture out as a family.
was thankful that finally the airshow was able to start and as the
clouds faded & the rain simmered down we were able to get a few
photos; next time we will be more prepared and surely enjoy ourselves a
bit more.